Custom Printing
Step By Step Process - User Guide
Custom Printing
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Printer Guide
Why is there a vertical line down the page when I’m printing?
Generally speaking, a visible vertical line down your page after printing is an indication that the image drum in the machine may be damaged. It could also mean that the machine is reaching the end of its life. An idea would be to check the page count of the printer, or run a quick maintenance check to make sure that the machine isn’t simply in need of a clean. If this doesn’t solve the issue, then you may need to consider a new machine.
Is my printer Wi-Fi compatible?
Many of our machines are now Wi-Fi compatible. To find out if your machine is Wi-Fi compatible, double-check the specification of the model that you have purchased. All features and facilities will be listed in the printer handbook, and will also be mentioned online on our website. Another quick way to check if your machine is Wi-Fi compatible is to check the name of the machine. If your machine has a ‘W’ in the title – for example the E310DW – then this generally means that the machine has Wi-Fi capabilities. In some cases, the ‘W’ may stand for something else – such as ‘white’, so be aware of the fact that this may not be for every printer. However, generally speaking, this is a fairly reliable indicator – make sure you always check this to be absolutely certain, though.
Why Is My Printer Making Noise?
Sometimes, printers can start making a noise that sounds like something out of a horror movie. While it might sound wicked, a squeaking or grinding noise in a printer can mean a lot of things and most of the time the issue can be quickly solved. On many occasions, the cause of a squeaking noise in a printer is from a bad toner cartridge, which means you either need to replace it with a new one or if the toner was defective, send it to your print vendor and have them ship you another one.